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The United States has a great need to fill jobs in the field of engineering.  Statistics show that for every one job that is filled by an engineer, three engineering jobs go unfilled because the demand is so high and not enough people are seeking out engineering careers.   An increase in the numbers of people pursuing engineering careers in the US will provide companies with a workforce that will ultimately reduce the number of jobs that need to be outsourced.   The US currently cannot fill the engineering career demand.  Our goal with the Engineering Academy at PHS is to work with students to get them interested and excited about pursuing the field of engineering as an educational and career goal. See what SME and PLTW are doing about it

Why engineering majors are always in demand and top paying!

30 Best Paying College Majors: 
20+ are Engineering!

News about the sluggish economy and the high unemployment rate has all of us a little scared. Well, here’s some good news if you’re thinking of majoring in engineering: Of the top 30 highest-paying college majors, over 20 of them are in engineering and in Computer Science! Here are those in order of ranking by starting salary (with Mid-Career Salary):

  1. Petroleum Engineering $101,000 (MID 168k)

  2. Mining Engineering $71,500 (MID $109k)

  3. Chemical Engineering $69,500 (MID $118k)

  4. Computer Science & Engineering $69,100 (MID $115k)

  5. Computer Science & Engineering $68,400 (MID $109k)

  6. Nuclear Engineering $68,200 (MID $121k)

  7. Systems Engineering $67,100 (MID $114k)

  8. Electrical & Computer Engineering $67,000 (MID $114k)

  9. Electrical Engineering $66,500 (MID $108k)

  10. Aeronautical Engineering $65,100 (MID $113k)

  11. Electronics & Communications Engineering $65,000(MID $105k)

  12. Aerospace Engineering $64,800 (MID $107k)

  13. Materials Science & Engineering $64,600 (MID $105k)

  14. Computer Science $63,100 (MID $105k)

  15. Engineering Management $63,100 (MID $107k)

  16. Computer Science & Mathematics $62,900 (MID $107)

  17. Industrial Engineering $62,800 (MID $100k)

  18. Mechanical Engineering $62,500 (MID $102k)

  19. Software Engineering $62,500 (MID $97k)

  20. Packaging Science $61,500 (MID $88k)

  21. Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering $61,100 (MID $108k)

  22. Biomedical Engineering $60,900 (MID $96k)

  23. Electronics Engineering $60,700 (MID $97k)

  24. Manufacturing Engineering $60,400 (MID $94k)

  25. Electrical Engineering Technology $59,800 (MID $89k)

  26. Architectural Engineering $54,800 (MID $88k)

Why Engineering?: About Us
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